26 Projects

Health Care Homes Project
Client: Australian Government Department of Health
26 Letters worked with the Department of Health to develop a visual identity for the Health Care Homes program for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sector and consumers that was the foundation for all communications.
This sub-brand ensured strong connection to the brand by Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers. It was applied to a range of communications resources, with content and design of these resources, informed by focus groups of consumers and health services nationally.
The result was an engaging and audience-appropriate suite of resources featuring unique Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander design and content that was easily understood by, and resonated with, the target audience.

CALD and Indigenous communications to inform audiences about aged care reform
Client: Australia Government Department of Health
26 Letters delivered a range of public relations activities for this major national project designed to ensure effective communications about aged care reforms reach a large audience of CALD and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander older people and their families. 26 Letters provided advice on CALD and Indigenous communications content, as well as print and audio translations of all campaign advertising, brochures, posters and audio segments in 23 languages.
Regular monthly contact with key intermediaries and media outlets, including provision of editorials, website and newsletter articles, and social media content, was used to strengthen and further explain key campaign messages for niche target audiences, including content translated into Indigenous community languages.

National Shingles Vaccine Program: Communication for culturally and linguistically diverse audiences
Client: Australian Government Department of Health
This national project allowed 26 Letters to use our unique understanding of the communications needs of CALD audiences (especially older people) to adapt mainstream content and develop specific content that generated an increased intention to participate in the National Shingles Vaccine Program. Our work included:
– Provision of advice on adaptation of mainstream communication to encourage uptake of the vaccine among people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
– Development of a comprehensive distribution strategy for stakeholders and immunisation providers
– Translation of content into 12 key CALD languages

Development of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communication for the Aged Care Complaints Scheme
Client: Aged Care Complaints Scheme
26 Letters Communications is working with Indigenous design agency Gilimbaa to develop an innovative and comprehensive communications strategy that develops greater awareness about the Aged Care Complaints Scheme among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We are combining best-practice audio, visual and printed communications material with direct liaison with key intermediaries and media organisations to ensure existing barriers to raising concerns with the Scheme are addressed.

The Indigenous Dementia Awareness Project
Client: Queensland Remote Aboriginal Media / Department of Health and Ageing
This project, delivered as a partnership between the Queensland Remote Aboriginal Media network and Alzheimer’s Australia Queensland, provided locally-relevant communications content (in language where appropriate) to develop an improved awareness of dementia prevention and management in remote Indigenous communities across the top end of Australia. 26 Letters Communications worked with Alzheimer’s Australia Queensland and community media outlets in communities such as Kowanyama, Mornington Island, Doomadgee, Hopevale, Lockhart River, Aurukun and the NPA to develop a series of locally-relevant messages about dementia. Local community media workers were involved in all aspects of producing content for the project, translating content, interviewing local health workers, and sharing content with their local community.

The Community Broadcasting Suicide Prevention Project
Client: Community Broadcasting Association of Australia / Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing
This major national broadcasting project is delivered through all Indigenous and non-Indigenous community radio stations in Australia, and is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing. It uses radio messages to promote awareness of mental health and suicide prevention issues and services, and includes the development and broadcast of 20 radio segments and the publication of a 16-page information booklet each month. The project won the prestigious TheMHS Mental Health Services Media Award, and has been expanded into Indigneous communities nationally. Now in it’s fourth year of delivery, this major national project is broadcast through over 260 radio stations nationwide, and reaches an estimated audience of over 6.5 million Australians each month (McNair Ingenuity research/Griffith University research).

Telstra CDMA migration campaign (Indigenous components)
Client: Telstra
To inform Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities about the impending shutdown of the Telstra CDMA mobile phone network, 26 Letters developed a range of printed and radio content in partnership with Indigenous media outlets. 26 Letters was highly successful, in a short space of time, in ensuring uptake of the new 3G network in communities in the Torres Strait and in remote areas of mainland Australia. This project showed the ability of 26 Letters to adapt highly technical content and messaging to the needs and cultural values of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, producing communications content that included clear and culturally-appropriate messages and calls to action.