26 Research

26 Letters specialises in producing leading-edge and internationally-recognised research, with a strong focus on empowerment and communications in Indigenous and CALD communities. We also have excellent experience in conducting social and market research projects for universities, companies and government agencies.

Major recent research project include:

> CALD and Indigenous research for the national My Aged Care initiative

> Focus groups and semi-structured interviews for the Queensland Government’s ‘Kindy Counts!’ project

> Formative research, including focus groups and interviews, for the national Health Care Homes initiative

Research papers published / presented recently include:

> No more ‘voices from down south’: Parallel voices in remote Queensland Indigenous communities
submitted for Media International Australia, November 2013.

> Opening up the studio door: Enabling ‘quiet voices’ in remote Indigenous radio stations
an invited address to be delivered at the International Symposium on Media and Indigenous Peoples and to be included as a chapter in the subsequent edited book, November 2013, Puebla, Mexico.

> Connecting, informing and empowering our communities: the role of remote Indigenous radio in the Northern Peninsula Area
published in Media International Australia, August 2013.

> No more ‘voices from down south’: The role of local broadcasting in remote Indigenous communities in Queensland, Australia
presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research Conference, June 2013, Dublin, Ireland.

> Empowering voices in rural and remote communities: The role community broadcasters can play in promoting social and emotional well-being
paper presented at the 4th Australian Rural and Remote Mental Health Symposium, November 2012, Adelaide, Australia.

For a copy of these papers, or more information on our research projects, please contact Ian Watson on 0448 801 381 or ian@26letters.com.au